girls_are_weird wrote in seddie_daily Dec 08, 2011 22:26
being: jealous, being: thirsty, being: dumbfounded, thank you hobocaps!, being: annoyed, sam: thinks freddie is a dork, purple: official seddie color, being: in disbelief, being: excited, where: the shays' living room, being: dorky
girls_are_weird wrote in seddie_daily Nov 28, 2011 23:25
being: bothered, looking: couple-y, being: unamused, being: jealous, look they're actually getting along, thank you hobocaps!, standing a little closer than necessary , being: annoyed, being: confused, they do so hang out together!, i look at you when you don't notice, being: disgruntled, where: the shays' living room
girls_are_weird wrote in seddie_daily May 24, 2011 22:36
sam: glare, being: jealous, being: awkward, being: annoyed, red and blue makes purple, sam: thinks freddie is a dork, purple: official seddie color, where: groovy smoothie, +carly
girls_are_weird wrote in seddie_daily Apr 06, 2011 20:29
this special will rock the world, cue shipper flailage, where: ridgeway, being: jealous, being: annoyed, red and blue makes purple, this is the episode that keeps on giving, +brad, epicccccc!, #1 shipper: dan schneider